HQRS information for suppliers

The Health Quality Reporting System (HQRS) is a secure state wide system utilised by NSW Health Public Health Organisations for the lodgement of contract and non-contract clinical product and services quality issues. The HQRS may be utilised by an authorised NSW Health user to email different messages and / or report as follows:

  • Email alert to a Supplier regarding a product issue that require immediate remediation;
  • Email alert to a Supplier to information of a product issue, no action required;
  • Email a copy of any of the above messages to the HealthShare NSW Officer-in-charge of the state contract; and / or
  • Email a completed Medical Device Incident Form to the Therapeutic Goods Administration.

In all of the above instances, a supplier’s response or action taken to address the issue may be recorded in the HQRS by the authorised user. The response from the TGA may also be recorded in the same manner.

Health user condition of access

Access to HQRS is limited to NSW Health employees nominated by Public Health Organisations. These are predominantly the Clinical Product Specialists and Biomedical Engineers who are involved in the clinical product procurement processes.

Access to HQRS is granted only after the completion of an accreditation training provided by Catalogue Services. Some of key elements covered in this training which are also incorporated in the conditions of access are as follows:

  • Outcomes and reports entered onto HQRS must be the result of carefully adhered to procedures, are factual, document supported and substantiated.
  • HQRS entries are accessible across the state only by accredited system users. Information held in this system is for internal NSW Health use only.
  • HQRS users reviewing information do so as a guide / reference only and are subject to further discussion / consultation with the entry owner.
  • HQRS users are required to inform suppliers that outcomes of quality reports entered onto the system are accessible to other accredited system users.

Note that the Health Quality Reporting System, is part of the NSW Health Master Catalogue Information System (also known as MCIS), Supply Chain Information System segment.

For more information please contact:

Catalogue Services, HealthShare NSW
Email: HSNSW-CatalogueServices@health.nsw.gov.au
Phone: 1300 883 965 (select option 2 "Procurement and logistics - including purchasing enquiries")

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